
Showing posts from 2020

Emotions Vs Mindset

Emotions Vs Mindset Living is experiencing the Feelings. Emotions are described by the scientist as the story telling process by the brain. Our brain instantly answers the doubt or questions posed. It evaluates the experience, the memories of the context and creates the cohesive thought flow to identify the reason.   The relationship with intimacy will stir the minor triggers and unleash the strongest feeling either love or hate. It is understood that the relationship can give the deep pain, or the utmost joy and happiness. Usually the emotions hack to dramas which may intensify the bonding and disrupts.   Our body manages the external hurt immediately as an instinct. But we give damn concern for the emotions than the cause. Even negative emotion is almost the other form of fear which will give the reasons for failure. Planning things and budgeting in right time to mitigate the stress of paying bills and the emotional anxiety if not paid.   Rel...

Procrastination Vs Mindset

Procrastination Vs     Mindset Psychologists offer fascinating models to get the forces behind procrastination. Some believe that procrastination is so stubborn because it’s linked to deeper perceptions of time and the difference between what they call “the present and future self.” While postponing activities we give the fantastic justification about the situation, circumstance, mindset and temperament.   We disclose the procrastination as something okay to carry on further. But Inner self always in check the real reason and frighten us if the reasons are not logical and bit a clumsy Procrastination People have the tendency to postpone things when they make it as the regular habit than the procrastination looms over. Fear of failing, Fear with low self -esteem, Fear of upsetting others by being ourselves, Fear of confrontation, or change, or just being out of our comfort zone. Procrastination can also become a routine. We feel the fear...

Self Discourse Vs Mindset

Self Discourse Vs Mindset Self-discourse is the way one expresses himself to others with the motive of showcasing his qualities with or without purpose. Self discourse can be categorized in different form. It has been revealed verbally or non-verbally.   Verbal discourse can be sorted out in resume when we send application for the vacancy. You can highlight the efficiency and talent of yourself in words. The employers get the image through the self -discourse. The details of self discourse can be descriptive or evaluative, and can include thoughts, feelings, aspirations, goals, failures, successes, fears, and dreams, as well as one's likes, dislikes, and favorites to broom the    intimate relationship with one another in most instances. Self Discourse can be superficial In a perspective the processing framework emphasizes the advantages that non-human partners may provide compared to human partners. This framework suggests that people will discl...

Hallucinations Vs Mindset

Hallucinations Vs Mindset   “Understanding what’s happening in the world is a balance of taking information and your interpretation of that information. If you’re putting less weight on what’s going on around you but then over interpreting that could lead to hallucinations.” - Cris Niell Hallucinations are defined as perceiving something which is not existed (expect in their mind).   Everyone has a kind of hallucinations about the world and usually this topic has been dealt more in the supernatural elements but in reality it is in different form that we access facts to live on. Sensation or sensory perception  of a person experiences in the absence of a relevant external stimulus can be called as Hallucination. A hallucination can occur in any sensory modality — visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, etc. Auditory hallucinations (e.g. hearing voices or sound) are most common type of hallucination in schizophrenia. Visual hallucinations are...

Intelligence Vs Mindset

Intelligence A typical dictionary definition of  Intelligence  is “the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge.” Intelligence includes the ability to benefit from past experience, act purposefully, solve problems, and adapt to new situations. Most interested topic in recent research, there is no standard definition of exact components of intelligence. Some researchers have suggested that intelligence is a single, general ability, while others believe that intelligence encompasses a range of aptitudes, skills, and talents. Multifold research on these topic, expressed the conceptualizations which help to suggest the intelligence working in different level and its ability. Intelligence works efficiently to learn, recollect and use knowledge. Intelligence should identify problems and solve that. All haunt for intelligence run behind the mental abilities logical, reasoning, aptitude, problem solving and planning. Intelligence changes with age. Thus understandin...

Lifestyle Vs Mindset

Lifestyle Vs Mindset Lifestyle is the most pronounced word in the recent era. Awareness about it also insisted more than any other time in the history of mankind. Best technology wired us to do more things and changed the life set up once and for all. We are more connected to every network through our professional or personal commitments and this hyper connectivity takes toll in our brain activity, reflects in less productivity and ineffective in results. Lifestyle differs from culture, religion, community, society then to cities and states. A holistic view of improving lifestyle has been emphasized in all agendas of life. Lifestyle the term gives the awareness about the health and the diet. But the nurturing the brain is as important as the health. If we tailor our regular habits in such a way its support the productive brain   and it will respond with the freshness than you believe you will get.   Journal of Comparative Neurology  that suggests a...

Self Esteem Vs Mindset

Self Esteem Vs Mindset When you doubt your power you give power to doubt – Honour De balazac Life is not a cakewalk. Vibrant childhood has made us to do something and later we crave to do the same either it is interesting or intellectual enough. Days in the confusion, make us decide the ways of life and every stage we mess up easily without second thought.   Often the past experience will give us threat than the guidance. In this journey everyone faces the unique problem and it cannot be quantified with others. In general we assume  that our friends  have a better clarity in their life choice and we have not. From this point the self -esteem starts to evolve. We plan for the success and fix the success as something very big. We work diligently and sacrifice our happiness amidst the rash search of victory and recognition. People gauge your success and give you esteem, this is formula you have been said by many reliable sources. But the fact it is d...

Art/ Beauty Vs Mindset

Art and beauty is the fine expression of life aspects. True essence of living is in  saturating the self in aesthetic sense through fine-tuned mindset.  Is beauty an objective experience or subjective?. The beauty is in the eyes of beholder. Perception of our mind plays vital role in conceiving ideas of beauty. Is there some more complex relationship between the beauty that we seem to perceive out and the state of our internal development? The dual framing of that would place beauty either out in the world or as an aspect of the self itself.   The average development of individuals imply with his aesthetic sense within a society. It determines the pattern of group consciousness and structures of aesthetic which configures the perception of beauty.   Individual’s expression system has been wired with many aspects of his life. There are some psychological theories which guide through expression rules in configuring the individual’s social expression to t...

Over confidence Vs Mindset

Over confidence Vs Mindset Washington State University of research states that   ‘a person's tendency to be overconfident increases if he or she thinks intelligence is fixed and unchangeable. Such people tend to maintain their overconfidence by concentrating on the easy parts of tasks while spending as little time as possible on the hard parts of tasks, the work suggests’. Overconfidence refers to the tendency of assuring a fact and later realizing that was impartial one. This type of study seeks more attention to continue the awareness   check over personality, the mental abilities and its impact on over confidence. But the tests show that when individuals are asked questions they may believe they are correct or minimally wrong but the reality is in reverse. Over confidence tends to a biased way of looking at a situation. When you are in overconfidence, you misjudge your value, opinion, beliefs or abilities and you have more confidence than you should gi...

Expectation Vs Mindset

Expectation is an assumption of our mindset. It influences our reality and creates results. The response of expectation made us to work more to fulfill that. Many of our life choices are being made by the expectations of family or our loved ones. We set some goals for others and expect the results to be positive. Always in   all journey of life, we are led by our dreams, vision and Hope. The reason why expectation for others stands strong is -their value for our words. This is in reverse we sent cues to others about our attitude, they also expect us to perform their wish. Expectation is good one as it shows the outline of the action to be performed by us, in given situation. Expectations are time bound and we stick to that and run behind. People rise to any extent to fulfill that, as it has the force and the power to improve or deprive them. It’s been obvious to note our articulation has the flavor of our expectation the modulation we use to strengthen and...

Challenge Vs Mindset

Life poses Challenges when you are not prepared to face it. Sometimes the remedial measures seem remote. Remember regressions and regrets are only for the mindset not ready to be proactive. Every day revolves around the routine, garnished updates and new regrets. Accepting the reality is the greatest wisdom one can hold on throughout the life. We are in fight or flight mode. Challenge is the tricky word and it appears in other ways to check our awareness. It’s a human mindset to hate challenge and reluctant to face it. In fact, challenges are feeding success throughout our life. When we are used to trails then it becomes the lifestyle to unleash all possibilities through challenges. Mental ability is enhanced when it is used maximum.   Science asserts that muscles are strengthened through the  Principle of Progressive Resistance , which means until and otherwise the situation requires, we never use our muscles. As Tony Robbins told, ‘Muscles stretches accord...