Over confidence Vs Mindset

Over confidence Vs Mindset

Washington State University of research states that  ‘a person's tendency to be overconfident increases if he or she thinks intelligence is fixed and unchangeable. Such people tend to maintain their overconfidence by concentrating on the easy parts of tasks while spending as little time as possible on the hard parts of tasks, the work suggests’.

Overconfidence refers to the tendency of assuring a fact and later realizing that was impartial one. This type of study seeks more attention to continue the awareness  check over personality, the mental abilities and its impact on over confidence. But the tests show that when individuals are asked questions they may believe they are correct or minimally wrong but the reality is in reverse.
Over confidence tends to a biased way of looking at a situation. When you are in overconfidence, you misjudge your value, opinion, beliefs or abilities and you have more confidence than you should give the objective parameters of the situation.

History narrates the countless examples from emperors that overestimation of their power, led them to downfall. In present scenario, over exposures to the demo videos of risky attempts are more prone, everyone believes themselves learned a lot through watching and get into the action without any trial or the practice.

In real sense the familiarity made them to give a try and underestimate the regular practice. This familiarity never gives them the practical knowledge of applying that. It’s the nature of mind that seeks the recognition. David Dunning of Cornell University and colleagues described  a research on the effects of incompetence. If a person is bad at something can make him to excel in something else.

Overconfidence may contribute to excessive rates of trading in the stock market, high rates of entrepreneurial failure, legal disputes, even war. The next title for the overconfidence earns is the mother of all biases. The biases are basically due to lack of option in the life situation to take the blind risk and they would sometimes succeed and most of the time they fail beyond they expect. Psychological vulnerabilities would protect ourselves from the errors whereas the human nature  tempts to try.

What are the warnings against overconfidence?

You can conclude to reduce the tempo of overloaded confidence without the backup work and the practice which would turn down your efforts and it’s wise to pull down it. Selfhelp book would trigger our sense, by the catchy phrases, check the belief system supports your confidence. There is a margin between this and understanding it rationally will help you more.

Overconfidence the term may inject the negative picture of failure, but think the reality behind the flop. It is a great decision to check the capabilities and tolerance of the self.  Give yourself many trails and observe your performance, till you get the genuine sense of confidence that you will succeed. Till then put the confidence in constant check after every success, apply this confidence for the level test. It should grow, learn and adapt.


  1. அதிக நம்பிக்கை குறித்த இந்தப் பதிவு அனைவருக்கும் அவசியமான ஒன்று.அதிக நம்பிக்கை நம்மை எளிமையான செயல்களில் மட்டுமே ஈடுபட வைக்கும்,ஒருதலைச் சார்பாளராக மாற்றும் என்னும் கருத்துகள் அருமையானவை.பலவித முயற்சிகளில் ஈடுபட்டு நம்முடைய அடைவின் மூலம் நம்மால் உண்மையாக அடையக் கூடியதைக் கண்டறிய வேண்டும் என்னும் ஆலோசனை சிறப்பு.வெற்றியின் போது நாம் இன்னும் கவனமாக இருக்க வேண்டும் என்பதும் ஆழமானது ��������


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