Self Esteem Vs Mindset

Self Esteem Vs Mindset

When you doubt your power you give power to doubt – Honour De balazac

Life is not a cakewalk. Vibrant childhood has made us to do something and later we crave to do the same either it is interesting or intellectual enough. Days in the confusion, make us decide the ways of life and every stage we mess up easily without second thought.  Often the past experience will give us threat than the guidance. In this journey everyone faces the unique problem and it cannot be quantified with others. In general we assume  that our friends  have a better clarity in their life choice and we have not. From this point the self -esteem starts to evolve.

We plan for the success and fix the success as something very big. We work diligently and sacrifice our happiness amidst the rash search of victory and recognition. People gauge your success and give you esteem, this is formula you have been said by many reliable sources. But the fact it is different, the ingredient of self -esteem has different compositions for different people. Self-esteem and the self -confidence can go hand in hand but the habitually your confidence in certain point of life and grade yourself with lower self-esteem.

It’s clueless who taught us to internalize the negative words and honour our fear, insecurity and threat in different situations.  It would be claiming its share often when we never wish to give it. This routine turns down our attempts and leads us to the failure sanctuary in most occasions. This made the lifetime impression about our self and shaken the foundation of self -esteem. Frequently we search the soothing factors externally and forget that quest should be internalized.

One cannot access to self-esteem by practice or training, no training will provide you the equivalent.  You have to structure it on daily basis and where and when you need do the mending work, if you are sensitive person then you have to work more to see that in place.  Our mindset should be given practice in all possible spectrum for not to be fragile for the trivial things.

Follow these five steps

 Question your negative self talk
Usually our self discourse matters more in all crisis. How you can see yourself in the challenging situation define your strength, will power and your esteem. But the self-talk will drag us in many circumstances as it has been trained in that way.  Doubt your negative thoughts. Empower the positive one. Remember your thoughts have repercussion and reflect in the way you respond to it. Think in the way it serves the purpose and it supports in raise your self- esteem.

Internal Assistance

Seek the internal assistance for the internal issue, but we look for the external stimulant to erase the internal pain. Just ten minutes meditate for a day and see the strength feel. Meditation is not only skipping the trains of thoughts, detaching thing from your perception to get a clarity view.

Don’t deny your success

All along we have been put our energy, time, efforts and money for something and we have succeeded in that to extend and got a bit of success in all or even we never tasted the success in full form, believe all the instances have poured the experience and it’s the GPS for your future venture. Don’t deny your talent and efforts for which you have spared long stretch of time to learn and explore.

Seek only one Approval

   We are being advised by many in different situation, sometimes we are forced to take the decision by sticking the advice. But the mind and life situation is always yours, agree with your intuition and start your flight, Only one approval you need to get all through your life ventures, that is your inter voice. Work every day to strength your self esteem.

Stick to your role

Every one born to this world has the wish that he/she should have the life of their friend, family member or someone else. Our life goes on with the unfulfilled wish for ever and that made a huge difference in their life. As they have not treated their life well in wishing the life of others. This obsession will end in desperation and never let your self-esteem to exist. OWN YOUR LIFE and treat yourself with love.

Self -esteem plays the imperative role in our life, with the self-esteem you can get the life which you earned for long. Get the life you want. Prioritize the thing which you want most.


  1. குழந்தைப் பருவத்தில் ஏற்பட்ட துடிப்பின் காரணமாக வாழ்க்கை அடுத்த கட்டத்தில் நம்மை ஆர்வமான மற்றும் அறிவுசார் செயல்களில் ஈடுபடுத்துவதாகக் கூறுவது வியப்பாக உள்ளது.சுயமரியாதை நபருக்கு நபர் வேறுபடும் என்பதும் சிறப்பானது.சுயமரியாதையும்,தன்னம்பிக்கையும் ஒரே நேர்க்கோட்டில் பயணிக்கும் என்பதும் அருமை.சுயமரியாதை நாம் விரும்பியதை விரும்பியவாறே ஒருநாள் கொடுக்கும் என்பதும் அற்புதமானது.நம்மை உயிர்ப்போடு வைத்திருக்கும் சுயமரியாதை என்னும் உணர்வு ஒருநாள் நம் வாழ்வில் செய்யும் அதிசயங்களை இந்தப் பதிவின் மூலம் அறியலாம்


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