Procrastination Vs Mindset

Procrastination Vs   Mindset

Psychologists offer fascinating models to get the forces behind procrastination. Some believe that procrastination is so stubborn because it’s linked to deeper perceptions of time and the difference between what they call “the present and future self.” While postponing activities we give the fantastic justification about the situation, circumstance, mindset and temperament.  We disclose the procrastination as something okay to carry on further. But Inner self always in check the real reason and frighten us if the reasons are not logical and bit a clumsy


People have the tendency to postpone things when they make it as the regular habit than the procrastination looms over. Fear of failing, Fear with low self -esteem, Fear of upsetting others by being ourselves, Fear of confrontation, or change, or just being out of our comfort zone. Procrastination can also become a routine. We feel the fear, and we get into a routine of immediately occupying our mind with mindless web surfing, or other displacement activities.

This will anchor us to do the piling work always and postpone the rest. Then prioritize the emergency, sometimes the deadline pressures made them more panic and stressed. Now a days people’s behavior changed a lot and all are skipping the present responsibility  to pursue the one which was left undone so long time.  Examine - whatever it is you’re putting off.

Find Your Why

For an instance starting a new project, we tend to postpone things with feel of scary, there’s always a chance we could fail, being criticized for not good, or ignored. No wonder it feels easier to do nothing at all. We should fear that - what will happen if we don’t do the thing we want to do.
Two questions every procrastinator should ask. What’s the worst thing that could happen if I do this thing? And what’s the worst thing that could happen if I don’t?  extreme possibilities will out weight the fear to some extent.

Pen down your excuses

 We might have seen many silly reasons as excuses. Throughout the life we have enough excuses to drive the life with ease. Long span of time we would have given excuses, until and otherwise someone stopping you for that. Excuses will give us false identity which we want to hide. Every excuse has a big history of stolen success.

Focus what you want

The objectives sometimes made us to be clear when your prime motive is to run the present movie or   plan. Our monkey has the shifting tendency with unclear charming to shutter our plan. Always mindset which supports to focus may help us to do the help. Write the to-do list and planning for a week. This will give you a clarity in fixing things right.

Sketch your plan

Plan the events regularly, have a preview about all, this will give some planning for double planning.  Hence the nagging mind about many incomplete tasks made us more stressed and  sensitive to others review about our work.

How NLP works here

NLP perceptual position makes us to visualize the stand of ourselves and others. Strategies of NLP will instill the exact remedy, we have to practice it. Visual Squash and Visual swish give the enough insight to erase this through consistent practice. To anchor the outcomes of procrastination when it is overcome. The chance of getting out from the maze of procrastination, itself provides the good start to habituate doing things instantly if it is the need. The perception of the people is bestowed through the sub modalities, so it is easy to understand, how people treat us with efficiency.  


  1. தள்ளிப் போடுதல் பண்பு மனிதர்கள் ஒவ்வொருவரிடமும் இயல்பிலே இருந்தாலும் அது பழக்கமாக மாறும் போது எதிர்கொள்ளக் கூடிய இடையூறுகளை அழகாகப் பட்டியலிட்டுள்ளார்.
    தோல்வி பயம் , குறைந்த சுயமரியாதை குறித்த பயம்
    முதலான பயங்களினால் தான் தள்ளிப் போடுதலை நாம் செய்கிறோம் என்று அழகாகப் பதிவு செய்துள்ளார்.
    சுகவாசித் தன்மையை நாம் இழக்க விரும்பாலும் இதைச் செய்வதாகக் கூறுவது அருமை. கடைசி நிமிட பரபரப்பு நமக்கு பயத்தையும்,
    மன அழுத்தத்தையும் உண்டாக்கும் என்பதும் உண்மையானது.
    தள்ளிப் போடுதலைத் தடுப்பதற்குக் கூறும் முன் ஆயத்த ஆலோசனைகள் அற்புதமானது.வாழ்வில்
    வெற்றியாளராக வளர்வதற்கு தள்ளிப் போடுதல் குணம் தடையாக உள்ளதை இப்பதிவு சிறப்பாக எடுத்துரைக்கின்றது.


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