Most interesting search ends in reading the Mindset of the people and it’s a overwhelming facts for anyone to read the mind and its dynamics. Learning the secrets behind this would excite your curiosity to next level. Every time when we read psychological facts we remember someone’s attitude. But retrieve your manners while confronting the rest facts below.
Long process of Modern life saturates the notions and assumptions of others as our Mindset. It’s a sad reality our Mindset is not the process of our thoughts but we are driven by others, constantly to inject some things as our Mindset.  Try yourself to identify your Mindset and how you have given the sources to it.
Carol Dweck simplified the Mindset as Fixed & Growth and how it’s works. Fixed mindset has the qualities of aversion to learning and acceptance to the fact with the negative self talk, on the other growth mindset will be curious about learning and enhancing its exploring mindset with optimistic approach.
Fixed Mindset takes the reviews and feedback too personally and gives up easily without second thought. Growth Mindset takes the reviews and feedback as construct criticism and work for the perfection and never give up.
Mindset is like a great idea to fix the problem, if you select your Mindset which adapts, learns and determined with strong will power. Then your barriers are your ladder. Everyone has the diverse life opportunities and employing that into chances and choices have made the mighty difference in their lifestyle.
Digital revolution has traced the mindsets of the people through the networking style of an individual. Social Networking is social stigma and it depicts the response of the public and how they reacted to the contemporary issues. All the social networks grasp the interest and mindset of the mass to retort in the way they want. Its necessary to keep a track of your mindset in this process - How we react and accept some realities of life.
Implicit and Explicit mindsets are being analyzed meticulously through these networks for the Sales and Marketing. Our Mindset study supports them in copious ways to furnish the demand and supply chain. Psychology of Mindset and its types explore the efficient learning behind the simple concept and how it is perceived by the society and commerce.
This is a simple story for Mindset.
Once in china there was wet market, in that frogs are in most demand. Acknowledging this a man came to the frog butcher, he said that he could provide the butcher with hundred frogs daily, since he was living near a pond full of Frogs.
Next day the butcher was waiting for the Frog seller. The man who agreed to bring hundred frogs never turned up.  Frog seller had drained the pond to  fish frogs but to his shocking he could find only two frogs.
He came back to the frog butcher and said since there was a heavy noise always from the nearby pond every night, to end the disturbance he had planned to fish the frogs and taken order from the butcher.
From the above story we could understand that often we think we have more problems to solve and worried about fixing it. But the moment to start to fix it, there are only few needs real attention and the rest is unrealistic.
 Mindset is what we think. Tune your Mindset to the best positive mode. Wake up from the maze and light up your awareness. Meditate your success and visualize it soon with New Mindset and New results.
What you think is what you become.


  1. மனநிலை குறித்த இந்தப் பதிவு மேலும் தகவல்களைத் தருகின்றது.ஒவ்வொரு பிரச்சினையும் நமது மனநிலையின் காரணமாகவே பெரிதாகத் தெரிகின்றது என்பதை அழகான சிறிய கதையின் மூலம் விளக்கிய விதம் சிறப்பு.

  2. What you think is what you become..
    Well explained.. The need of the hour in the digitalised fast moving world is thought provoking suggesting for the mindset to stay calm and move forward. Keep rocking..
    Awaiting more from you


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