Success Vs Mindset

Define your Success
Professional Ethics and Personal Commitments are the prime factors revolve around us and reveal the success notions but those are not common and same.  Success is the state of mind, since the mindset is intertwined with all positive and negativities of thought patterns. Mindset is what you think to respond for the given aspects.
Success is the term which energizes the existence in an easiest way. How it has impacted an individual makes the History and Wonders. It’s a good medicine at times when nothing is there to own. Success attracts many people and gives us the self-esteem that you have searched all the way in your life. This is looked as an identity and the ideal one for a long time.
Success Vs Mindset
Thinking pattern comprised with the knowledge, belief, behavior and other aspects of life which helps to recognize the Mindset. If you are aware of working patterns of thoughts and how you think then it is easy for you to redefine things in right way to change your life with powerful decisions.
The phrase Shiny Object Syndrome is prevalent among the people which make them to follow the attractive and fabulous business of the town.  But the skill set and resources what they have should match to kick start it. Being aware about our goals and the objectives of success, we have to analyze the possibilities of success. But success has different composition and compound differs for each individual.  This is basic understanding for success.
Recipe of Success
Once there was news spread among the villagers that  kings of past buried tons and tons of gold in the valley near the mountain. So every week group of people invaded the valley. It was a contagious fever among the villager to go for the search and find out the golden treasure. Many Villagers nearby also came there for the Treasure Hunt. But there was a constant flop in all their efforts. They have dug the ground to their maximum and disgusted that they could not get the gold.
Later people skip the Treasure Hunt as false news and left the place. A poor man in the village watched all their strategies and efforts of the Hunters and then one day he planned to go himself for the Hunt.
He has nothing to lose even he never find the Treasure, on other hand if he got the treasure it would be a grand success and a celebration throughout his life. This was his mindset before he launched the venture. He consistently dug every day to certain feet and returned to his home by the end of a month he could trace the treasure. The efforts of hundred failed and gone vain how he had traced it? There was shock for everyone. Still the reason stood simple, already most of the places are dug deep and left due to lack of consistent efforts. The poor man fixed his mindset to give a try to dig deeper.
 The root cause of his success lies in the mindset of trying hard to the core whatever the result might come. Fear of failure and the mindset of loss gave everyone the real failure. Mindset grooms the efforts in an efficient way. Refine yours with the best ingredients.
Recipe of Success is a well-known cuisine but the need and necessities of this recipe decide the quality and the taste of Success.
 Dr. Abdul Kalam once quoted as “There seems to be an attitude problem, as if we cannot shake ourselves out of a mindset of limited achievement.  I realized then that if something is at stake, the human mind gets ignited and working capacity gets enhanced manifold” here is no greater power in heaven or on earth than the commitment to dream”.


  1. வெற்றி தான் ஒரு மனிதரின் அடையாளம்.அது ஆளுக்கு ஆள் மாறுபடும் என்று கூறும் விதம் அருமை.வெற்றி எனும் சொல்லிற்கு இருக்கும் அற்புதங்களை அழகாக வரிசைப்படுத்தியுள்ளார்


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