Challenge Vs Mindset

Life poses Challenges when you are not prepared to face it. Sometimes the remedial measures seem remote. Remember regressions and regrets are only for the mindset not ready to be proactive. Every day revolves around the routine, garnished updates and new regrets. Accepting the reality is the greatest wisdom one can hold on throughout the life. We are in fight or flight mode.

Challenge is the tricky word and it appears in other ways to check our awareness. It’s a human mindset to hate challenge and reluctant to face it. In fact, challenges are feeding success throughout our life. When we are used to trails then it becomes the lifestyle to unleash all possibilities through challenges.

Mental ability is enhanced when it is used maximum.  Science asserts that muscles are strengthened through the Principle of Progressive Resistance, which means until and otherwise the situation requires, we never use our muscles. As Tony Robbins told, ‘Muscles stretches according to the demands’.

Miracles happened when you persistently working on with challenges. Feed your mind with convincing ideas from all relevant sources. Remember the major influence of time has little impact over the strong will people.

Challenge develops mental toughness

Great days of Success would decipher how we were wired with tough times. We gained a psychological edge that enables us to remain focused and confident during high-pressure situations and to perform to our full potential.

It’s accepted that challenges inspire the courage, when we dissect the courage it discloses the self –control, responsible behavior and strong will power. On the other hand cowardice depicts the blame, procrastination and excuses.

When we are ready to rise up for the Challenges, then it transcends the mind and widens the perspective.  Actually the challenge injects the doubt, insecurity and fear but proving our capability will lead us to succeed from psychological trauma.

In nutshell, what we are today is the outcomes of sustaining our ability. The way we have withstood the crisis and untold tales of the past all have the same history of sustenance. Attributes of the happy life and the contentment thrives the compounds the challenge.
Once there was a Zen monk walking along with his disciples. They were following the monk who just going to tiny shed nearby. As they are puzzled by the behavior of their master, asked the reason. Then monk said that the day before one of the disciple had asked the doubt why human always had challenges in life and they were suffering because of that. To retort the disciple the monk took him to the tiny shed.

In shed there were a blind mother and a little boy living. When monk entered the shed they greeted the monk and the monk asked the little how he could make both ends meet during winter as no jobs available due to cold weather.

Little boy answered the monk with the humbleness, sir I supposed to be responsible for my mother’s happiness and well being, I had to take hardship as challenges and  wish to be a fighter than failure. Disciple understood that the mindset meets the ends. We accept challenge in the name of love, dignity and esteem to tackle it.

Obtaining the consist support through shifting the old, unimpressive patterns that keep you “jammed” in unchanging experience. The process of mindset in this moment is learning the pattern of solving the problem, positive to approach and it  see the advantages of the challenges in solving it.

Challenge your Challenges !


  1. அன்பு,கண்ணியம்,மரியாதை என்னும் உயிரோட்டமுள்ள ஒவ்வொரு உணர்வுகளும் நம்முடைய வாழ்வின் ஒவ்வொரு சவால்களையும் தீர்மானிக்கின்றன என்பதை ஜென் துறவி கதையின் மூலம் வெளிப்படுத்திய விதம் சிறப்பு������


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