Personality vs Mindset !

How much you know about personality?

Personality structures the outlook of each individual. It is a set of qualities that make a person distinct from another. Our personality affects every aspect of our lives, our birth order, family background, from what we eat, to how we walk, to what we study, and what we like to do. The big question here is: How much do you know about personality?

Personality the term has fascinated the people to know more about and the knowing and learning made a revolution in the recent centuries.  Research mounted the curiosity about the secret of the Personality components and how its been decided. The basic ideas about its conception are more familiar and people are interested to acknowledge the core combinations in that.

Personality the term   has been used in different situation with different criteria.
In long-term studies of personality,  revealed the fact that personality remains stable throughout life. Three aspects that do tend to change as we age are anxiety levels, friendliness, and eagerness for novel experiences.

Today, the global acceptance of personalities chores are commonly accepted as:
Judging, Perception, Sensing, Rational, Thinking, Behaviour &  Intuitive

Apart from this personality studies, interaction of these personality traits and the results are also taken as the sample for the empirical research. For example how the person judging the external world has the impact in his perception to the world and his thinking and behavior relate these factors in a cohesive way.

Personality influences the social networking style from the way we select the profile picture and ringtone for our mobile. Android World infused the technology in all aspects of life. Knowledge and its usage are in queue to fill us with the information. We have different forum to learn the new mould the belief systems

Personality refers to individuals' characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior, together with the psychological mechanisms -- hidden or not -- behind those patterns." -Funder, 2001  

 Every new invention in the world fastens the world to think and act accordingly. In this juncture the work culture and the working style of the trait needs the introspection to be excelled in his field. This research tranced the people to go extra mile in identifying the science behind it. The efforts have yielded good results.

Many new facets of study support the facts about personality extend it wings to depict it functions. Myriad ideas of the study down poured in the field and made it easy and familiar to know the personality disorders.

The story reveals the truth behind the personality and its conception.

In an office there was a Training programme for all the staff members the resource person had been simplifying many concepts which helped them to perform their best. The last day of training was about psychology and the personality.

The session lifted the facts about the different personality traits. During the session there was an activity to the staff members. They had to write the personality they hate and asked them to list down it in a paper and post it a box.

Then the resource person said even he never opened the box, but he could tell them about whom they had written. He challenged them to check board which was in the next room. Then there were a heavy rash to see the magic.

One by one was allowed into the room they were curious to see the person whom they referred in the paper. It was unexpected for all the staff members they had seen the Mirror fixed in the board everyone could see only their face.

At last it was said that world we see outside was the mirror of your perception. Whatever thought process we were in can create a huge image of our personality. Every staff accepted this interpretation. They realized that the beliefs they had limitations was actually with them.


  1. Great words!
    Realising what we see outside is our perception
    Keep writing more on this..


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