Art/ Beauty Vs Mindset

Art and beauty is the fine expression of life aspects. True essence of living is in saturating the self in aesthetic sense through fine-tuned mindset.

 Is beauty an objective experience or subjective?. The beauty is in the eyes of beholder. Perception of our mind plays vital role in conceiving ideas of beauty. Is there some more complex relationship between the beauty that we seem to perceive out and the state of our internal development? The dual framing of that would place beauty either out in the world or as an aspect of the self itself.  The average development of individuals imply with his aesthetic sense within a society. It determines the pattern of group consciousness and structures of aesthetic which configures the perception of beauty.

 Individual’s expression system has been wired with many aspects of his life. There are some psychological theories which guide through expression rules in configuring the individual’s social expression to the essential emotions. Since it requires an inter-subjective process to integrate emotion, the expression rules are crucial contributors to what developmental avenues are available for the self-evolution. The expression rules transmit how the aesthetic languages, are enhanced in terms of improvised potential.

Many researches have sensitized the stages of human cultural development that relies in cultural participation and individual development. Enjoying the aesthetics is a therapy, which are the exercises in deepening the knowledge of one’s emotional world by expressing their feeling to another person.  We learn to talk more deeply and authentically to oneself through the effort to speak more authentically and deeply to someone else.

Internal Bliss

It was the cloudy evening, with the climate and the cool breeze in the train which run to the destination from Kashmir to Shillong.  All of sudden they heard the screaming from the boy who was sleeping till then.

He was so excited to see the natural scenery and the exclaimed with high pitch note of joy, it disturbed all the passengers in the compartment. Some suspected that the boy would have some serious issues. The boy was curious about everything and asked why trees were going back. Passenger hated the eccentric behavior of the boy and asked the father of the boy to make him calm. Some of them sympathized with his behavior and assumed that boy was mentally not well.  The reply of the father made everyone astonished when he denied to calm down his son.  As he could see the world for the first time, he was visually crippled all these years. They were to hometown after the operation. Now the passengers realized that  they were crippled of aesthetic sense all these years. They felt the real sense of excitement amidst the beauty of nature.

The vegetation on either side of the window created the quirky joy and co- passengers cherished with cool fresh air and beautiful memories of the past and it dug the aesthetic sense of them. They had been silently swallowing the beauty, climate, breeze and internal ecstasy. The moments filled them with bliss. Everyone stopped talking started enjoying the bliss.

In a short journey of life spare moment, impart the perception to admire and perceive art and beauty to strengthen the self and expression in a fabulous way. This story unveils the exact reality of our lifestyle and how we confront the routine with hollowness. To escalate the innovative thoughts in you try the unusual surfing in the horizons of art and beauty.


  1. அழகியல் உணர்வின் அவசியத்தை இந்தப் பதிவு அழகாக வெளிப்படுத்துகின்றது.
    நம்மைச் சுற்றிலும் நிறைந்திருக்கின்ற இயற்கை,தென்றல் என ஒவ்வொன்றிலும் பொதிந்திருக்கின்ற அழகியலைக் காணாத பார்வையற்றவர்களாக மனிதர்கள் இருப்பதை மாற்றுத் திறனாளி சிறுவனின் கதை மூலம் வெளிப்படுத்தும விதம் அருமை.அழகு என்பது காண்பவர்களின் பார்வையில் தான் உள்ளது என்பதை தெரிவிக்கும் விதம் சிறப்பு.குறுகிய கால வாழ்வை அழகாக்க இந்த அழகியல் உணர்வு அவசியம என்பதை இந்தப் பதிவின் மூலம் அறியலாம்


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