Lifestyle Vs Mindset

Lifestyle Vs Mindset
Lifestyle is the most pronounced word in the recent era. Awareness about it also insisted more than any other time in the history of mankind. Best technology wired us to do more things and changed the life set up once and for all. We are more connected to every network through our professional or personal commitments and this hyper connectivity takes toll in our brain activity, reflects in less productivity and ineffective in results.

Lifestyle differs from culture, religion, community, society then to cities and states. A holistic view of improving lifestyle has been emphasized in all agendas of life. Lifestyle the term gives the awareness about the health and the diet. But the nurturing the brain is as important as the health. If we tailor our regular habits in such a way its support the productive brain  and it will respond with the freshness than you believe you will get.

 Journal of Comparative Neurology that suggests a link between inactivity and mental decline.  Routine shapes the regular physical activity. This promotes the better brain activities. Screen agers are succulent in knowing things but problem is application part.

Be mindful in using media. Have a clarity in how you consume media. When you organize your day with these principles in mind, you will increase your brain activity.

Lifestyle is prime factor which decides the life’s quality of an individual. It seems challenging when you are not prepared to face it. Reschedule your life and realize the difference in approach towards life can bring countless positive changes. If you are concerned about the health of your brain and the quality of your thinking, you will connect other circuits of life easily. A few simple changes in your lifestyle could boost your memory, learning, mental resilience and overall health of your brain.

How the health is being related by an individual and the feel of healthy combines with the more logical patterns of the thoughts and the situations. The crucial decision is commitment towards your health. Emotional wellness is the root for most of our lifestyle. How we connect with the outer world matters more, it always possess a hardcore mindset. Sustaining a healthy mindset by coping up with your day to day stress at work depends on the passion towards it.

Swap your negative thoughts that cloud your growth.  Take everything light with the attitude to perceive things in a right way.  Stick on to the personal growth while you move forward in your career.  Many business people who achieve in their field, always fix their goal and try maintain their personal life in a healthy way.

Always learn from your setbacks. Turn all your weak areas to a fertile one by seedling a positive and creative lifestyle.  Find out   which all area you have to do the ground work. Many lifestyles and the purpose behind it depict the dynamic codes of world. We are with different mindset  in search of single concepts that is harmonious life in peace. 


  1. Thoughtful one.. We need to have a check on what we consume from social media ...

  2. வாழ்க்கை முறை குறித்த இந்தப் பதிவு அரிய பொக்கிஷம் ஆகும்.மூளையும் உடல்நலத்திற்கு இணையாகப் பராமரிக்கப்பட வேண்டும் என்னும் கருத்து சிறப்பானது.
    தொழில் நுட்பங்கள் பெருகிய போதும் நாம் தேவையானவற்றிற்கே முன்னுரிமை கொடுக்க வேண்டும் என்னும் கருத்தும் சரியானது.வாழ்க்கை
    முறைதான் நமது வாழ்வின் தரத்தைத் தீர்மானிக்கும் என்பதும் அருமை.நமது வாழ்வை மறு அட்டவணைப்படுத்துவதன் மூலம் எண்ணிலா நன்மைகளை அடைய முடியும் என்பதும் அற்புதமானது


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